Google Analytics allows you to track and better understand your website’s visitors. Because Consider Job Boards integrates with Google Analytics, you can leverage powerful reporting tools to gain deeper insight into your job board’s traffic.
If you know how visitors are engaging with your job board, you can capture valuable data to improve the job seeker’s experience and better support your companies’ hiring efforts.
We know navigating Google Analytics can be overwhelming, so we’ll walk you through exactly where you need to go to learn more about who is visiting your job board and how they’re interacting with featured portfolio companies and jobs. In this step-by-step article, we’ll help you:
To get an overall understanding of how your job board is performing, view traffic over a designated time period. See how much traffic your job board is getting per month by selecting:
Each report allows you to choose a time period to view traffic or compare two time periods.
Below the time frame window, you can analyze overall trends by looking at the report displayed, as well as the graph. The number of events are clicks or interactions. Take note of your Total Events or Unique Events.
Below the graph, your report has data tables with more detail on the metrics you’ve selected to analyze.
Here’s a list of the metrics Google Analytics provides that you can choose from to analyze. Learn what they measure to help you dive deeper into understanding your visitor behavior:
To see traffic to specific portfolio companies or jobs, dive deeper into events by selecting:
You’ll see two event categories: Outbound and Navigation.
When you select Outbound, you can see clicks to pages outside of your job board’s site. For example, you can see:
When you select Navigation, you can see clicks to pages within your job board. For example, you can see:
At the bottom of the event table, select see rows to see more data.
On the top right hand corner of your window, select Export to export this data into a PDF, Google Sheet, or Excel spreadsheet. From there, slice and dice the information to see all the unique jobs people are clicking on or what jobs people are most interested in learning more about.
You might now know if these visitors are applying, but you can also see which startups and opportunities are getting the most traffic on your job board.
To visualize the path that a visitor follows from one event to another, select:
This report shows you where people are coming from and where they are going on your job board.
You’ll notice a drop down menu of selections that will allow you to analyze different variables. For example, you might see that most users are coming to your job board through organic traffic and going to the jobs page first.
To visualize the path that a visitor follows from one page to another, select:
Here, you can see where visitors start on your job board and the pages they click to.
Another way of analyzing the traffic to specific pages on your site, is by selecting:
Here, you can see what pages people are interacting with the most. See if any of your startups need help.
Perhaps you know one of your portfolio companies is actively recruiting for a large number of positions, but you don’t see much traffic to their company page or job postings. You might consider promotional strategies to garner them some attention.
You can learn more about your job board’s visitors by selecting:
Here you can see where your traffic is coming from, how many visitors are new and returning, demographic insights, and how much time people are spending on your site.
For example, take a look at your average session duration. Are people spending a few minutes on your job board exploring its capabilities? If you have a low session duration, examine your bounce rate to learn why people might be leaving and optimize.
Here’s a list of the metrics provided under the Audience tab you can choose from to analyze:
Consider Job Boards integrates with any analytics tracking system, not just Google Analytics, to give you full visibility into user activity.
Looking to promote your job board to get more traction? Read our other article, How To Promote Your Job Board.
If you need help understanding how to track and measure your job board’s traffic, we’re here to help. Schedule a time with us here and we’ll walk you through it.
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