How to Promote Your Job Board

With over 1.3 million tech startups created every year, it can be challenging for job seekers to find opportunities that meet personal skill sets and preferences. Thankfully, for startup job seekers there are a variety of tools and platforms built specifically to showcase fast-growing businesses.

Online job boards are the most popular digital tool for job seekers with 60% of people using them to find and apply for new jobs.

Having an interactive job board that aggregates your portfolio companies' jobs is a great way to guide job seekers to find the exact role they’re looking for. Knowing that a startup is backed by your VC firm can help candidates narrow down their search to well-vetted businesses.

One of the most important steps after launching a job board is promoting its launch online. After all, if people don’t know your job board exists, how are they supposed to find your startups and its opportunities?

The strategies you implement to generate traffic and attention to your job board will help your startups hire quality talent, faster while allowing your firm to provide greater value to its investments. The following are 5 simple strategies we recommend you adopt to drive engagement to your job board:

1. 📝 Write a blog announcing the launch of your job board.

A blog on your website that can be promoted through various digital channels is a great way to create some buzz about your portfolio companies and their open roles. Showcase your startups and their recent job postings. Highlight particularly unique opportunities and businesses.

2. 📧 Share the board through email.

Send an email announcing the launch of your job board or recently added opportunities. Consider segmenting your email list by industry, so you can share specific opportunities most relevant to recipients. You can also group email recipients according to their interests and highlight specific industries and roles most interesting to them in your message.

3. 🌐 Leverage your network.

In addition to leveraging your company’s network and/or followers, reach out to your personal network over LinkedIn. Ask if they or someone they know might be interested in a role with one of your portfolio companies. Here’s a short post you can share on LinkedIn with your connections:

Know someone looking for a job with an innovative #startup? Our portfolio companies are actively hiring. Explore and share opportunities on our job board: (Link to job board) #jobposting #hiring #startupjobs

4. 👉 Remind team members to use the board as a resource.

Ask your team to promote your job board as a resource. Encourage them to continually share and mention the job board when networking, speaking at conferences, or while active on social media. You can also add a link to the job board in your firm’s email signature template to help your team members drive traffic to the job board in their email communications.

5. 📱 Amplify on social media.

56% of people use social professional networks to find jobs. When new positions are added to your job board, take the opportunity to dedicate a social media post to some of the roles and businesses that are hiring, linking to them on your board.

Here are some prime opportunities for when and how you can share specific opportunities and companies on social media to garner attention:

Promote your new investments.

When your firm makes a new investment, take the opportunity to share the news and market the company’s open jobs. When you announce the new investment, share a link to the job board.

Promote your remote jobs.

Toggle the ‘remote jobs’ option under the Locations section and scroll to the bottom of the page. You’ll see a Twitter button, which will allow you to copy a link to the remote jobs listed. For example, see how a team member from  Panoramic Ventures can easily tweet its remote job opportunities.

Promote jobs at early stage companies.

Apply a filter for companies that have 1-10 employees under ‘Company Stage.’ Either grab the page URL from your browser or scroll to the sharing links at the bottom of the page, select a social media platform, and copy a link to share on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook or email. For example, see how a team member from Goodwater Capital can tweet jobs with early-stage companies from its portfolio.

Pique people’s interest by sharing a unique skill.

Choosing an interesting skill that’s listed as a qualification or responsibility by a job posting is a great way to kickstart conversation. For example, if you see a self-driving car out in the wild, you might notice a giant spinning cylinder on top of its roof. That’s a LiDAR sensor. See how a team member from QED Investors filtered opportunities by skill to share roles with LiDAR listed as a skill on Facebook.

Target new college grads or undergrads looking for internships.

Simply select ‘internships only’ under ‘Roles’ to see a list of internship opportunities. For example, see how a team member from Lofty Ventures can share internships from its portfolio on LinkedIn.

If you’re interested in learning more about Consider Job Boards, get in touch with us today.

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