Source More Precisely Using Boolean

Consider’s unique and powerful talent search just got even more precise thanks to Boolean expressions. You can now use Boolean logic to find candidates based on skills.

New! Use Boolean expressions for required skills

Use Boolean logic when describing a candidate’s required skills with these three expressions

Skills in your Sourcing Project can now use Boolean logic

All of - Candidate must have all of these skills
Any of
- Candidate must have at least one of these skills
None of
- Avoid candidates with these skills

How to set up Boolean expressions for Skills in your Sourcing Projects

  • Go to Project › Summary › Candidate description
  • Click on Required skills
  • Select and add skills in any of lines for All of, Any of and None of.

How to use Boolean expressions for Skills in Advanced Search

  • Go to Search, open the Skills clauses group and select the clause “...has the required skills
  • Enter skills in the All of line
  • Click + Add line to add another expression line and click on the drop down to switch between All of, Any of or None of, as needed
  • Enter skills in the new line and close the dialog to add the clause to your search

Between Consider’s candidate Suggestions and the Recommendations from your colleagues, you’ll now be able to find candidates who exactly match your project’s required skills!

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