Salary Search is Here!


In today’s competitive tech job market, salary transparency is no longer just desirable—it's essential. With rising demands for equity and fairness in hiring, knowing the salary upfront can significantly impact a candidate's decision to apply for a position. In a LinkedIn survey, 91% of U.S.-based respondents said that including salary ranges in job posts would affect their decision to apply. 

That's why we're excited to introduce a new capability on our job boards: Search by Salary! This feature is fundamental in today's job market. It empowers candidates to search by salary, ensuring job matches are based on both role suitability and financial expectations, enhancing transparency and satisfaction in the job-hunting process.

See it on a16z's job board here

How does Consider’s Search By Salary Work? 

This unique capability supports the fundamental requirements for transparency and revolutionizes how candidates approach the job search. Here’s a closer look:

Search Jobs by Specific Salary Ranges

Candidates can now specify the salary range that meets their career and financial expectations. This allows users to filter job listings to see only those within their desired pay bracket, making the search process more targeted and efficient.

Multiple Currencies Supported

Recognizing the global nature of the job market, our platform supports multiple currencies, enabling job seekers to search for salaries in their preferred currency.

Automatic Currency Conversion

For international job listings, Consider automatically converts salaries into the local currency of the job seeker. This feature simplifies comparison across different global opportunities, providing a seamless experience for users anywhere in the world.

View Similar Jobs Pay

Consider offers a unique "Similar Jobs Pay" feature for listings where employers have not provided explicit salary information. Our platform uses sophisticated algorithms to provide the salary range of similar jobs in the same industry and geographic area. This ensures that candidates have a reference salary range without direct data, aiding in realistic job search expectations.

This feature simplifies the challenge of matching candidates’ skills and career aspirations with suitable financial compensation, making job searches more targeted, efficient, and transparent. Furthermore, it accelerates the hiring process by attracting candidates who are already informed about and satisfied with the proposed salary, reducing time-to-hire and improving job fit. We believe that this functionality will assist job seekers in finding roles that meet their financial expectations and empower hiring teams and job board owners to streamline recruitment and enhance the quality of hires.

See an example on Lightspeed's job board here

Why Salary Transparency Matters

In the modern job market, including salary information in job descriptions is rapidly becoming an essential practice for attracting top talent. This transparency is crucial as it allows potential employees to determine whether a job aligns with their financial expectations and market standards, thereby fostering a more open and honest hiring process.

While many recruiters express concerns about disclosing salaries—worried it could lead to internal discontent among current employees or set unrealistic expectations among applicants—the reality speaks differently. Transparent salary information can actually streamline the recruitment process by filtering out candidates who may not find the salary range acceptable, saving time and resources in the long run. Additionally, a clear outline of the salary helps mitigate the risk of late-stage offer rejections, which occur when expectations are not met, further accelerating the hiring cycle.

Moreover, salary transparency can significantly enhance a company's employer brand. In today’s job market, where company reputation increasingly influences candidates' decisions, being open about pay demonstrates a commitment to fairness and equity. This is particularly important to a growing demographic of job seekers who value corporate transparency and ethics.

Interestingly, a study revealed that 56% of job seekers would still consider applying for a job even if the salary offered was less than ideal, provided the role was otherwise a great fit. This indicates that while salary is a critical factor, it’s not the sole determinant of job appeal. This willingness to compromise also underscores the importance of a well-rounded job offer that includes career growth opportunities, benefits, and a positive work environment.

Ultimately, the benefits of adopting pay transparency—such as attracting more qualified applicants, reducing time to hire, and enhancing company reputation—far outweigh the potential drawbacks. By embracing this approach, companies can ensure they meet candidates' expectations and promote a culture of honesty and trust that attracts a loyal workforce.

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Legislative Push Towards Transparency

In recent years, legislative efforts to promote salary transparency in job listings have significantly shifted. This movement has been spurred by growing concerns over wage inequality and the general lack of transparency in employment practices. Several states and regions, including California, New York City, and the European Union, have enacted laws mandating that employers include salary ranges in job postings.

In California, for instance, legislation requires that all employers with 15 or more employees disclose salary ranges for positions upon reasonable request, aiming to foster an open dialogue about pay. Similarly, New York City has introduced measures that oblige employers to provide a minimum and maximum salary estimate in any job advertisement. This legislation ensures that all potential employees have clear expectations before joining employment discussions.

Across the Atlantic, the European Union's Pay Transparency Directive enhances openness around pay scales to eliminate gender pay disparities and promote equality. This directive mandates that employers disclose salary ranges in job postings and provide existing employees with access to salary data, thus empowering them to negotiate fair wages based on visible benchmarks.

These legal changes are part of a broader trend toward greater corporate transparency and accountability. They help potential employees make informed decisions about their employment options and pressure companies to evaluate and potentially readjust their compensation strategies. The impact of these laws extends beyond individual applicants and employees, contributing to a more equitable and transparent global job market.

As this trend continues, it becomes increasingly important for companies to adapt to these new regulations to comply legally and remain competitive in attracting top talent. Employers that embrace these changes can enhance their brand reputation, improve employee satisfaction, and reduce systemic wage inequalities.

See It In Action!

Embracing salary transparency is not just a trend—it's a strategic move towards more ethical, efficient, and equitable hiring practices. With Consider’s new Salary Search, we’re excited to lead the charge in revolutionizing the job search process.

Try it out on a16z's job board here

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