Explore Open Roles with a Startup from RunwayFBU’s Portfolio

RunwayFBU, an early-stage VC fund and tech hub, that invests in industrial software-driven technology companies built by ambitious entrepreneurs, launched a Consider Job Board, showcasing all open jobs with its portfolio companies. 

The career page will allow job seekers to easily find and apply for opportunities, and RunwayFBU’s startups can reach a wider talent pool.

RunwayFBU is part of the Aker Group and was founded in 2021 by Kjell Inge Røkke, among the most successful entrepreneurs in the Nordics, and Tor Bækkelund, former co-founder of StartupLab. The team aims to support entrepreneurs in building global companies and solving important challenges using data and technology. Their approach is founder-friendly and gives access to the Aker Group companies as key pilot clients.

Explore Featured Startups

Candidates have a simple way to find and apply for roles with the firm’s portfolio companies. Explore opportunities with startups like:

  • Celsia provides a software platform with the tools for non-ESG experts for measuring the sustainability level and getting their sustainability score, in accordance with the EU Taxonomy.  
  • Shapemaker offers software for civil engineering design and analysis, starting off with telecommunication infrastructure.
  • Cutting Room is the world's fastest, collaborative, cloud native video editing and publishing tool. 
  • Just Financial provides corporate treasurers with the information leverage required to avoid being exploited by their financial services providers. 
  • Adminkit is a set of tools for companies with 1-100 employees to save time and gain more structure and control on personnel and admin tasks.
  • Frivind AS offers retail chains, producers and logistics operators the most accurate sales- and demand forecasting available today.

Find and Apply for the Right Opportunity

Candidates can easily, yet granularly search to find roles and companies that meet specific criteria, like:

More About RunwayFBU’s Job Board

RunwayFBU’s new job platform automatically includes and updates open positions from its startups websites or any other job posting site they might use. Additionally, the portfolio companies can use the firm’s network to promote their open positions, helping them to hire more rapidly and allowing the firm to provide greater value to their investments.

Unlike most job sites and platforms, Consider’s boards are created with the job seeker’s experience in mind. Its simple user interface makes it easy to find open opportunities that align with candidate preferences. Moreover, potential candidates can apply without any intermediaries.

If you’re interested in learning more about Consider’s VC job boards, we’d love to hear from you. Get in touch with us here.

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